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1650 Satellite Boulevard
Duluth, GA, 30097
United States


Atlanta Dental


Pay Yourself vs. Paying Taxes 

As the year draws to a close, many dentists are seeking ways to invest in their practice instead of simply paying taxes. Fortunately, section 179 enables dentists to purchase tax-deductible equipment for their practices. Here are some excellent investment options to consider:

  • Embrace new technology such as CBCT, intraoral scanning, and 3D printing.

  • Upgrade outdated core equipment like chairs, lights, and units.

  • Expand your range of services by offering Endodontics or Oral Surgery.

  • Ensure the reliability of your practice with backup systems like an autoclave, vacuum pump, and air compressor.

We also have fantastic financing options available with select manufacturers. If you have any questions or need assistance with the discussion, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.